Sunday, March 18, 2012

Holyyy - Day !

Finally, my fifth semester ended, with a good news yesterday :) The good news is, I passed my competency test which means, I can go for teaching practical at the end of  June or July, Yay !! Competency test is basically,m similar to medsi test which specialize in assessing students who wanted to join Education course. This test will assess whether they're really layak or tak to be a teacher. The difference with my Uni is, they will only assess TESL students who are in their final year. It is quite dangerous because, if you fail the test you need to extend your semester and added one more semester until you pass the test. Some of my friends, failed. I feel them :( It's really a ticket for us to get degree after 3++ years of sweats in uni. The feeling of passing this test is more like a relieve to me. I finally, can think of my future. 

Starting yesterday I finally have so much time for myself. Throughout this semester, I hardly found time where I can let my mind rest in a zero state of mind without thinking anything which is 'burdening'. But now, I can do lots of pampering to my skin, cook something, bake cake and also read a whole lots of fun blogs and articles on the internet. Oh ya, I'm also having so much time to plan my brother engagement clearly and better. My mom gives me 100% trust, to do the hantarans things, door-gifts, and to decide the baju for our family. Actually, the engagement is quite simple event, because my brother ( insyaAllah ) will be engaged with someone from Johor. Due to financial problems we cannot bring out the whole family from Sabah to Johor just for the engagement. So, it will be very intimate between our family and their (my brother's gf ) family. However, we have quite a lot family jugak staying in Johor. Few cousins and aunts are there, so they will be added in our rombongan. My mom said, we have plus minus 50 person from our side maybe. The theme colour will be Dusty Rose + Silver/Grey , so as the man's side normally for engagement we don't have to prepare much right? InsyaAllah, it will be easy. 

Apart from planning for my elder brother's engagement, there are some other things I wanted to do in this short break :

(i)   Learn to cook Chicken Salad, Nasi Kerabu and Ikan Singgang
(ii)  Prepare (more to buy) baju kurung for my coming practical :)
(iii) DIY anniversary gift for Kamil
(iv) Lose weight? 
(v) Really clean the house

I think that's all for the time being. Maybe, updating regularly will be one of my wish?

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