Saturday, June 30, 2012

Here and there

Hai everyone !

I am alone now, as everyone in my house has already started their journey to 'The Laa Laa Land'. Being penganggur (while waiting for my internship start) like me, of course I don't mind of sleeping late because i can sleep as much as I want in the morning (sampai petang pun boleh!). Anyway, my life currently so far so good. My study has come to its end, only left with three months internship before I can graduated in December,2012... In sha Allah. My health? I have endure 2 weeks of demam + selsema and coughing 2 weeks before leaving for Johor Bharu on midst June and yeah I am grateful that all the sickness and illness I've gone through dah habis. So I am literally sihat ! 

Financially, i can say so-so je, why? Because I can't stop dreaming of buying this and that. How? After i dapat one top, I baru perasan I have no nice shoes to pair with that top. And after that, takde bag pulak.. HAHAHA and the circles goes to my skincare products and I can say everything in me. Dah lah student, tak sedar diri pulak asyik nak shopping... macamane ni? Dah lah nowadays, we have a lot of blogshops online yang jual all the nicest bajus, kasut, tudung, baju kurung and whatnots.. you just have to have money in your account je and you can get anything from your bed even though you tak mandi lagi. Thepoplook and Fashionvalet are among those yang jual baju bagus bagus. So, I can say that you won't mind if your account bank kurang because you'll get something nice in return. For handbag, I can say I dah quite berjimat because sepanjang 2012 i baru beli 2 je.. hehe. Bagus kan? The reason is because Mr.BF keep on nagging me saying that I've had enough of handbags dah and keep telling me that I'm a student, i shouldn't spent much on handbags but books bla bla bla.. hehe. So, I insaf sikit lah... :D The first bag I beli from MANGO earlier this year atau end of last year for everyday use which only cost me RM100++ and the second one I bought earlier last month from Charles & Keith butttt, it was a present from Mr.Boyfriend for my internship so it is kind of a good luck present kan boyfriend? Kasut pun tak banyak dah beli now, sebab betul betul nak taubat..hehe. Just ada beli 4 pasang from Vincci and Charles & Keith for internship jugak.. hehe :D baik kan? Cumaaaaa, sekarang i sukaaa sangattt beli baju kurung atau traditional wears and tops....hehe. Every month kenaaa beli sebab mesti ada kawan kawan nak kahwin, tunang, ada majlis kat Uni and so on. So, I can say that I am financially not stable because i spent what I have.. hehe :D Student lah katakannn :D 

Relationship with him? Alhamdulillah, the 'stage' that i've talk about on my previous post went well, or beyond expectation I might say :D Kamil and I has become more stronger and more mature in our relationship. We hardly fight, like we used to and even of we do it is calmer than before. We give each other time to think and talk about it later. I think age and the point that we have known each other for quite some time is one of the factor contributing to this happiness. I am blessed and still never stop praying for Allah's blessing and hidayah.. if he is the one then, let him be the one. We have bigger plan now :) And, I must give credit to him for being able to stay during the Tsunami that i brought into his life, the drought I let him endure and everything I did. No other men can stand my craziness I guarantee. 

Family? the facts that everyone in my family are living healthily and loving each other like we have now is one of Allah's rezeki which is given to me. Dad and mom still loving each other and make jokes about each other is something I am really grateful for. Listening to my three little brother laughing on the phone also another present that I won't trade for anything else in this world... with the successful engagement of my first brother held earlier last month was also happiness to everyone in the family. And, here's the pictures of abang dot E-day which was taken in Johor..

the doorgifts

my helpers to which their kindness in helping me can't be repay.. 
nanti your majlis tunang or kahwin I'll turun padang okay?

the comel mommy, daddy and sissy :)

before heading to Seelong? see my brother's face.. full of ketakutan.. 
In the car, on our way there he told me
"Nang, sejuk nya perut ku..."

I tak layan at all :)

Two camera women, no official photographer because it is really a small-family event.

the future in laws yang sehati sejiwa.
Actually, mom's tudung (outer) was bought by me because our initial plan
was to wear all pink or pink is our theme colour. But, later on mommy said 
"No need tema temalah.. hentam sajaa !"
hence, the colorful people, thank god the hantarans was done earlier by me and my helpers :)


'the future bride and groom'

The hantarans, my air tangan :) From our side Pink and Black
 and from their side is pink and white 

Settled ! 

Abang is tunang orang noww :)

It's 2;05am now, gotta sleep now. See you in m next post :)

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