Wednesday, December 19, 2012

One step closer

I'm still alive and kickin. Just a bit more focusing on to real life and Yes, i am officially working now even if it is not the dream job I always wanted to stick with forever in my life.. but yeah, at least i got paid for my sweats ! And, the most interesting part is I enjoyed every single moments of it. I laughed most of the times while working on my work. Buttttt, still it doesn't satisfy me financially. Sad Sad Sad ! Soo, yeahh. I'm still looking for another job which is financially stable for me. Hoping that I could get one as soon as possible. 

On the other note, Graduation is coming soooonnnn !! January 6th, and boy I am superrr exciteddd even though I won't get call for chancellor awards or anything synonyms to that, but at least I got in for the first session which onlyy entitled for 3 pointer students, and Alhamdulillah I managed to maintain my CGPA with 3.*** up until my last semester. The best part of my graduation is, I can finally meet my parents after my last time meeting them on last raya. Actually I miss my parents and family so much nowww, with the facts that my dad went for Umrah today and most of us in the family were unable to sent him off at the LCCT. Only my sister can send my dad at the airport today, because we want to save money for my graduation, my sister is working and she can't simply take leave and mom has to look after for my younger brothers and I'm stranded here in the northern Malaysia and my first brother in the south. Well, everyone in the family is working on something and we understand each other. I'm hoping that my dad can call us as soon as he can. I miss him already, and I wish everything goes well on him...

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